Field House Medical Group Services
We are a 7 doctor practice with a list size of approximately 15,000 patients and offer our patients a wide range of services in spacious, well equipped and comfortable surroundings.
Field House Medical Group endeavours to offer a range of services to patients, including health checks and advice to patients. The services offered enable the practice to ensure a high standard of patient care.
Our wide range of services include:-
- Mental Health services
- Minor Surgery – doctors perform a range of surgical procedures
- Health Screening – 3 yearly Well Man and Well Woman checks for ages 16 – 74yrs
- Annual Health Checks for patients 75 years and over
- Childhood Immunisations
- Antenatal and Post Natal Care
- Family Planning drop in service every evening for patients registered with Field House Practice.
- Sexual Health services including full contraceptive services, fitting of coils and long acting reversible contraception Access to Physiotherapy Access to Chiropody
- Access to Physiotherapy
- Access to Podiatry
Practice Nurse Clinics – Nurses offer appointments for diabetes, asthma, hypertension, spirometry, ECGs, Audiograms, phlebotomy, advice on foreign travel, diet, smoking cessation, winter health and heart disease, also carrying out blood tests, immunisations and vaccinations, dressings, ear syringing and removal of sutures.
All of our doctors (Dr Keith Collett, Dr Sanjay Chauhan, Dr Elizabeth Zoon and Dr Nathalie Dukes) are GP Trainers.
Dr’s Collett & Chauhan are Fellows of The Royal College of General Practitioners.
Apart from the general medical services you would expect to find, we also provide the following services:
- Family Planning
- Nutrition Clinic
- Ante-natal
- Child Health Surveillance
- Minor Surgery
- Secondary Procedures
- Well Person & Over 75’s Check
- Physiotherapy & Counselling
- Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Our doctors are: Dr S Jafri, Dr P John, Dr S Ramesh (all GP partners) plus Dr C Varah, Dr R Davey, Dr S Ryder (Salaried GPs). We are a training practice which means that we also have GP Registrars and Medical Students from Hull/York Medical School in Practice, mentored by our GP trainer, Dr P. John.
We offer the full range of General Medical services to our patients plus a very comprehensive list of additional services provided by our Primary Healthcare team of doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants and allied professionals.
We promise to treat everyone as an individual with no discrimination. Our patients will be treated as people not just a medical condition. This means we plan care, which emphasises the patient’s individual needs, dignity and strict confidentiality.
The care given will be research based and delivered with the highest standards. Advice, support and information will be available in order to help our patients make the right choices.
We will set standards of care and review them periodically in the form of audits and we will act upon these results accordingly.
The Practice welcomes new patient registrations. Please call 01472 372100 to contact
Cohens Chemist provides a wide range of community pharmacy services to residents of Freshney Green and Grimsby from the integrated pharmacy on the ground floor of the building.
Services provided include:
NHS Services:
- NHS and Private Prescriptions Dispensed
- FREE Prescription Collection and Delivery Service
- Sale of Medicines
- Help with Understanding Your Medicines
- Advice on, and Treatment of, Minor Illnesses
- Repeat Dispensing
- Disposal of Unwanted Medicines
- Support for Patients with Disabilities
- Advice on Healthy Lifestyles
- Referral to Other Services
- Other Services:
- Support for Stopping Smoking
- Emergency Contraception
- Lipotrim Weight Management Programme
- Travel and Holiday Advice
The store also has 2 private consultation rooms for confidential discussions of any queries or problems you might have.
The Pharmacy Manager and team look forward to serving you soon.
Freshney Pelham Care Health Visiting Team
We offer a support and advisory service around health and health related issues for all families with children under the age of 5 years – taking over from the Midwives and eventually passing over care to the School Nurses.
Families may well be contacted prior to the birth of a baby for an introductory visit to explain the HV service and to assess the need for further ongoing support. All families will then be contacted between 10 – 14 days after baby is born and offered a home visit. Community services available to the family are discussed eg. Child Health Clinics, Children Centre services etc. and the child’s ‘Personal Child Health Record’ is given to the parents. At this visit a plan for further contacts with the family will be made depending on the families’ wishes and identified health needs.
Children are routinely offered assessments at around 8 months, 2 years and 3 ½ years which may well be completed by the Nursery Nurses. Nursery Nurses also offer support to families with behaviour / sleep management, weaning, play development etc via the HV service.
Cromwell Dental Practice Ltd
Our long established practice has relocated to brand new, state-of-the-art facilities on the ground floor at Freshney Green Primary Care Centre. We now provide treatment in a relaxed modern environment, retaining our friendly, family- based approach. We offer NHS dental treatment, and a range of private treatment options that are not available under NHS contract such as tooth whitening and sports gum guard. All of our dental team undertake continuing dental education, updating their skills to provide a high standard of professional care and service for all patients.
We have been awarded the British Dental Association`s Good Practice charter mark, this demonstrates our commitment to working towards nationally agreed standards of good practice, including a purpose-built cross infection control room. The practice is fully computerised, using the latest digital x-rays.
Since moving into Freshney Green, we have accepted 350 new patients. Acceptance of new patients will depend on availability of places at the time of enquiry.
Mental Health Services
What is the Community Mental Health Team?
The Community Mental Health Teams, located within the community will assess people aged 16-65 years who may have a more complex mental health need. After assessment, a care package will be agreed or you will be referred to the appropriate services.
The Staff Group, Each integrated CMHT is made up of:
- Team Manager
- Community Mental Health Nurses
- Social Workers
- Occupational Therapists
- Consultant Psychiatrist
- Junior Doctor
- Medical Secretaries
- Administrative staff
- Employment Specialists
What We Believe?
Every effort should be made to attain the highest possible standards of care. That all service users are entitled to a prompt assessment without unnecessary delay. Types of Services we can offer:
- Assessment of mental health needs
- Short, medium or longer-term support
- Regular reviews of your care
- Access to Carers Assessments
- Access to Direct Payments
- Health and Well-Being Clinics for Mental Health Service Users
- Access to community based support Groups
- Sign posting to other community/specialist services including Older
- People’s Mental Health Services.
Tel: 01472 255293
NSPCC Grimsby Together for Childhood Centre works in partnership with local professionals, community organisations and schools, to safeguard children on the East and West Marsh wards of Grimsby. We collaborate with the community to ensure all families have access to the right help and support. We focus on developing trusted relationships and taking time to get to know children and their families, enabling us to find creative solutions together and for children to flourish.
We work with children and families in the Centre, in our linked schools on East and West Marsh and in Community venues. We accept referrals from all agencies and referrals/requests for support direct from families. We are a team of 16 staff who are available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and can be contacted on 01472 803500.